The Anthology Overview is a space that allows users a lot of freedom. For BiblioLife Anthologies or any other Anthologies with historical content centered around a certain topic, this space can be a short essay providing an overview on your topic. For non-BiblioLife anthologiesAnthologies, this space can be an overview of yourself or your organization. Either way, aim for 300-500 words. You are encouraged to use the heading options provided in the text field. Below are examples of how different people and organizations have used this space.
This Anthology was curated by the New York Historical Society. It was a historical Anthology on the Civil War, so the Anthology Overview contained a history of the topic, but because it was curated by an organization outside of BiblioLabs, they also used the space to talk more about that organization. They even opted to include an explanation of the partnership that made this Anthology possible.