Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

This page lists answers to some frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, please contact support and we'll do our best to answer it!


Why does the Content Status Panel say that my file has failed?

The term "Failed" describes a technical process—BiblioLabs has not decided to reject your file!

When files are added to an Anthology, our systems automatically create optimized versions for viewing on the iPad, Android and web versions of BiblioBoard. We also perform an OCR scan on the files to make them searchable.

A file can fail this automated process for a variety technical reasons, some of which are difficult to anticipate. If your file has failed, try uploading a different version of the content.

How many items should I include in my Anthology?

Anywhere between 20 to 100+ pieces of content is sufficient. These can be books, articles, images documents, audio files or video files.

What is a Creative Commons license, and how do I know if my content falls under that?

Creative Commons licenses allow people other than the creator of that piece of content to share this item under certain restrictions. The license is usually listed as such under the "license type" in the metadata of the original piece of content.

Creative Commons License in Creator

What It Means

Creative Commons Attribution

You can use or alter this piece of content, but only if you give credit to its original creator credit via attribution.*

Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike

You can use or alter this piece of content as long as you use the same license as the original for your new, altered version, and you give attribution to the author.

Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs

You can use this piece of content, but you cannot use an altered version of it. However, attribution to the author must be given.

Non-Commercial Creative CommonsYou can use and alter this piece of content, but only for non-commercial purposes. If you are using this license for any item in BiblioBoard, your entire Anthology must be made free.

*If no creator is listed under attribution in the original piece of content's metadata, you do not need to include an attribution.

If you'd like to search for only items under Creative Commons licenses, visit the Creative Commons Search page of the Creative Commons website. 

If you are interested in getting a Creative Commons license for your content, visit the Choose a License page of the Creative Commons website.

For more information about Creative Commons licenses, visit the Creative Commons website.

How long does it take for an Anthology to go through the editorial review process?

Generally speaking, our editorial review takes two to three days. Our reviewers test each Anthology on the iPad, Android and web versions of BiblioBoard. We will contact you if we have any questions about your Anthology during the review period.

How much time would it take for me to curate an Anthology?

The answer depends in part on the amount of content in an Anthology. For an Anthology of around 30-40 items, an experienced curator can finish the process in 5-10 hours. Larger Anthologies will take longer to curate.

What do I put for the "Overview" section of Marketing > Market Anthology?

The "Overview" section refers to a special section on the Anthology homepage of BiblioBoard. 

This section offers a lot of freedom to the curator. This space can be used to talk about the content of the Anthology in greater detail or to elaborate on the curator's organization or even the curator themselves. To see examples, visit Example Anthology Overviews.

How do I know if my ePub files can be added to Creator?

If you plan on using ePub files in your Anthology, it is a good idea to test some or all of your files in an ePub validator to make sure that Creator will accept them. To validate your files, use this validator. If this validator gives you any errors, you will need to fix these issues before adding the file to Creator. Any issues are presented in specific terms, but if you are unable to resolve the issue effectively, please contact support.

If the validator gives you no errors, you will be able to add this file as is to Creator.

Typically, fixed-width and image-based files look better as a PDF. If your content is fixed-width or image-based, and you have the option of using a PDF or an ePUB, then the PDF is the better choice. However, if your content is text-based and free-flowing, the ePUB will look great and is the preferred option.

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