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Highlight: Every anthology has a set of objects that we refer to as “Highlights.” These are the most interesting, popular or visually appealing objects. In Creator, you’ll choose these highlights using the "Highlight this piece of content" checkbox in the Info tab. We recommend selecting books, articles or documents as highlights, rather than image, audio or video files. For BiblioLife Anthologies, highlights should receive longer and more in-depth descriptions, eight to ten sentences in length instead of three to five. For non-BiblioLife Anthologies, the length of every description is up to the curator, but the aforementioned length requirements are still suggested.


Free: Selecting the "Make this item free" allows potential consumers using the non-Library, BiblioBoard iPad-exclusive app to view the selected object in its entirety to get a taste for the Anthology's contents. For those making anthologies that will only appear in BiblioBoard Library or that will be entirely free in the consumer product, you must still mark one object as "Free"; however, there is no need to mark more than one piece of content as "Free."


Download: The final checkbox in the info tab allows curators to control whether this piece of content will be available for download in the BiblioBoard. Here, keep in mind whether this piece of content is in the public domain or not. This checkbox will be checked or unchecked on the Anthology level as per the curator's or organization's preference, but any content-level changes to their previously indicated preference can be made with this box.
