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In the Marketing panelMarket Anthology Panel, you can enter descriptive information about your anthology by clicking the Add Marketing Information button. You must also select at least one category for the theme of your anthology under the Categories tab.


Table of Contents


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Info Tab

In this tab, you can finalize your anthology’s Anthology’s title. You are also required to add a subtitle. If you wish, your anthology’s Anthology’s subtitle is a good place to feature your organization’s name. The "Abbreviated Anthology Title" is a 20 character or less version of your Anthology's title.

Description Tab

The description is just that—a short description of what your anthology Anthology includes. This is similar to the descriptions you wrote for each piece of content, but on the Anthology level. It will appear inside your anthology Anthology alongside your featured content. We recommend that you keep your description to 80 words, or no more than three or four sentences.  For You can write about what type of content is in your Anthology, how much content is in there and, if applicable, a little bit about the organization. For example:

Cooking: A Historial Historical Collection offers an anthology of more than 100 books, articles and images in four curated collections. The anthology features vintage recipes from the early 20th century, classroom textbooks, international cookbooks and even fictional stories influenced by food. Veteran chefs and amateur cooks alike will enjoy perusing the nostalgic roots of cooking that we still enjoy today. 


SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” The information you enter here will be used to promote your anthology on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Keywords: Separated by commas, list  List at least 16 keywords related to your topic. Include any words, phrases or topics that someone interested in your audience topic may search that should for. This will ultimately pave their way to your anthology. Separate your keywords with commas. For example:

cooking, food, cuisine, recipes, vintage cookbooks, home economics, homemaking, meat, poultry, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, dessert, electric cooking, skillet. 

SEO Description: This will be displayed in various search engines when someone searches for one of your 16 keywords. It should summarize your anthology, be inviting , and include as many keywords as possible. For example:

Explore the world of cooking with this collection of books, images and documents about cooking, food, cuisine, recipes, homemaking , and more!.

Audience Description: Complete the sentence, “This anthology is ideal for individuals interested in ________.” For example:


In this tab, you will enter your Anthology Overview. This space can be used to provide general background information on your Anthology's subject, details on your institution, or even why you decided to create this Anthology. The Anthology Overview is an informative essay that gives a general background overview of your Anthology's subject. It can give your audience an idea of what to expect in the anthology.not a required field, but is certainly encouraged. 

To see examples of how to use this space, visit Example Anthology Overviews.


You are required to choose at least one subject category from the drop-down list, with the ability to select up to four. This dictates where your Anthology is housed when users are browsing by Category in BiblioBoard Library.  


When you have entered all of this information, you are ready to move on to the Curator Info Panel.